Sunday, July 29, 2007

Sunday Arvo

After yesterday's little ride I decided that it was time the bike had a bath to make it look a bit more respectable. So a quick scrub up and then back into the shed to rest up for next weekend.

About 12:30 the phone goes and it's Mark wanting to go for a ride. The weather wasn't looking that great but anyway...

By the time we'd left my place and I'd gassed up a few spits of rain were starting to warn us of what was on it's way. Leaving Palmy we headed out Aokautere and turned off to head over the track. By now it was starting to rain and the road was getting pretty wet.

We climbed up and over the track and Mark pulled over for a bit of a conflab and a pitstop (Woolworths bladder). We decided to head onto Pahiatua and see if the weather was clearing so we could go for a decent ride. While mucking around a GS500 went past two up - we weren't the only idiots out in the rain.

Once in Pahiatua we pulled over where some other guys had stopped for a coffee and had another conflab. The decision was to head home and get out of the rain so off we went again. Made pretty good time until we got caught in some traffic before Woodville but then had a pretty good run through the gorge and home.

Not the best conditions for an enjoyable ride but better than sitting around home doing nothing. Trip distance approx 85km and yep, the bike is filthy again!

Hope the weather is better for the ride next weekend...

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