Well it's Friday night and just 2 days before we head off to attack our second Rusty Nut's Southern Cross. The closer it get's to the time to leave the keener you get!
Put new tyres on the bike this weekso she's already to go. Just got to load up the panniers & top-box and do the usual sorting out around the house and I'll be raring to go. It's going to be a long day on Sunday - waiting for Mark to finish work before we can suit up and blast off.
I had thought of posting a brief outline of our plan of attack but haven't got around to it - plus we might be helping someone else out eh? So, I've just drawn the rough map (roads not really marked, just general direction) below of what we're planning.

The checkpoints' dates & times are compulsory so we have to work around them. The little beds on the map indicate where we're gonna stop for the night on each leg. Some of the legs are in the 900km range and with most of the riding happening in the afternoon it makes for a long day in the saddle. Done it once so we know we can do it again.
The only variable part of our route is the 2nd to last leg in the South Island. We'll be getting into Picton at about 11:20am and plan to ride as far as possible (pretty easy to do big k's in the South) so that we can ride around the Catlins on the last day to Bluff.
The long range weather forecast looks really good through to Tuesday (leg 2) so I hope it stays that way for us - especially down south. Looking foward to meeting up with some of the other guys we know who are also doing the ride and just the challenge of doing the big miles day after day.
Once finished, it's time for a week in the South Island to have a bit of a tiki-tour, see my sister & family etc and then back home. I'll see how I go, but I might see if I can jump on a computer somewhere next weekend to let everyone know how the ride went...