Following the service I was forced to go to Brian's for a great cooked brekkie which went down very well and certainly filled a gap. Hunger slated I went home and took the dog for a quick walk before getting the Honda out for today's ride.
At 10am I met up with Sarge, Meanie, Monie, 86GSXR and GSVR at Ashhurst and from there we headed off over track to Pahiatua where the two v-twins topped up their tanks before disappearing into the wops where fuel is scarce.
We had a nice little ride out the back of Pahiatua and then turned North on Route 52. A great ride up here except for several large sections of new seal - some sign-posted and some not. We arrived in Pongaroa just as their Anzac day service was beginning so we parked up and waited for it to finish before continuing on.
From Pongaroa we dodged bo-peep's lost sheep and several families of turkey's along with pine cones, loose metal and damaged roads before stopping in Porangahau for lunch. Had a nice burger followed by a cuppa before hitting the road to Waipuk and more gas.
From Waipuk we took the back roads through Ormonville finally ending up in Danniverke for a quick coffee before seeing Sarge off and heading home. Another great ride on another nice autumn day.