Tuesday, December 22, 2020

FRDC MC Xmas ride

 A few weeks ago I thought that the FRDC MC should really try and squeeze one last ride into 2020.  On Saturday we had all pretty much finished up with work so it was time for that ride.

Just before 9:30 the Connie and I made our way down to a local petrol station to meet the others.  We had a few hangers-on join us so in the end there was eight bikes in all ready to hit some back roads.

First up, we got out of town and onto a pretty busy Pahiatua Track where we spread out a little due to that traffic and riding abilities, but nobody had got lost and when we pulled up at the Mangamaire turn-off for a quick regroup everyone was accounted for.

The ride through to Mangamaire was all good until we met up with a milk tanker who was stuck behind a pretty sick (sick as in crook, not cool) van.  The tanker was pretty much pushing him up the hill but was good enough to indicate when the road was clear for us to pass - top man!

After another regroup at SH2 we took the main road for a bit before taking Hamu Rongomai Road to Mangaone Valley Road.  This was a neat little squirt until we caught up with a mob of sheep going in the same direction and leaving their own special trail on the road...

Mangaone Valley Road got us further North but rather than ducking into Pahiatua we carried on taking more neat back roads towards Mangatainoka and then on to Hopelands.  Somewhere in here a Triumph decided to check out the long grass but luckily he kept it upright and there was no damage done to bike or rider - just a bit of a surprise...

Eventually we popped out onto SH2 again and trundled our way into Woodville in search of a Cafe.

After an early lunch and a bit of yarn, the gang broke up with different guys taking different options to get back home.  Ian tagged in behind me and we had a great ride through Ballance and back over the track again.

Nice to end the year with a neat little back road jaunt.

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