Yes, there has been farkling...
One of the most important items I wanted to get sorted on the T7 was the GPS. Before the bike even arrived I splashed out on another (this makes 3) holder for my 595 but then waited until the bike arrived before sorting a mount. I should really have done a bit of research and got the amount underway too...
Anyway, the T7 comes with a hand little cross bar above the dash for things like GPS and phones etc. But to get the holder onto the bar requires some sort of mount. Ram mounts were an option but are expensive and tend to put a bit too much vibration into things - this is ok for a lot of applications but occasionally I might want to look at the GPS screen.
So, after trolling the internet I stumbled on a Rally Raid product that I thought would do and then bought the Chinese knock-off (or perhaps even the real thing direct from China?) and got it here for less than price of shipping the Rally Raid item...
Initially I just bolted everything up and gave it a go. You can see how that went...
Looks good |
Hang on... |
Ahhhh... |
Not ideal.. |
That big GPS and the silly fat bit on the bottom of the holder are just a pain. Time to make something - Uh-oh...
Copying my idea from on the Super Ten, I chopped up a bit of the same bread board and made up a little spacer to go between the mount and the holder, allowing the GPS to be mounted up higher and be tilted so that I could actually see it...
![]() |
Much betterer |
![]() |
Could have cleaned the screen before taking this pic - could have... |
One ride down and everything is groovy with the mount. I may eventually pull it off again and give it a tidy up and a lick of paint. Or, I'll probably just go riding instead...
This week a couple of more packages arrived. The first one was a headlight protector (yeah, Chinese, but less than a quarter of the price of the Yamaha option).
This fitted up pretty easy and I quite like the look of it. There is a reasonable gap between the headlight and the guard so if something big hits it then I'd say the headlight won't get damaged even if the protector is written off.
Next up was another cheap little wind deflector for the screen. I have one of these on the S10 and it is great. I can mostly ride visor up year round, which is what I like to do - particularly on gravel. With the stock screen on the T7 I find it hard to ride visor up once the speeds get much over 50-60km/h.
The quality of some of the fittings on this one (the ones that attach it to the screen) don't seem to be as good as the one on the S10 and I'm not too sure how well this is going to work out on the smaller screen on the T7. Time will tell and there is something else on it's way that may help too.
Anyway, I'll need to ride the bike (damn it) to find out how good the little deflector is and maybe try a few different positions before the final verdict is made on it.
Well, that's it until the next parcels arrive...
You been taking lessons in bike washing 101 from Geoff?