After reading about the new K7 Bandit on the web this morning, I thought that maybe I should put some more k's on my K6 before I talked too much about changing it. Excellant conditions: warm with a bit of cloud cover, no wind, not too hot or cold.
I decided to head up over the Saddle Road to Woodville and then on through to Pahiatua before coming back to Palmy over the Pahiatua track.
The Saddle road is a real mess! On the Ashurst side there is shingle and stones all over the road. No signposts to warn you either -
look out if you are heading over there. Woodville side not too bad.
The picture (taken on another day from Whariti) shows the Te Apiti wind farm and the Saddle road passes this where you can see the second, smaller clump of trees and a few buildings. Always impressed by the big windmills turning over making power from nothing - not a lot of wind today though.
The ride back over the Pahiatua track was pretty uneventful - some huge potholes at the bottom of the hill but this is pretty normal - the trucks give the road death. Only saw one other guy out on a bike - a GSX-R600/750/1000 flashed past going the other way as I dropped back down the other side of the hill.
A nice quite little sunday afternoon ride - back to work tomorrow :-(