Monday, December 16, 2024

Short cut

I went for a ride yesterday, so I thought I should blog the one from a couple of weeks ago...

I was due to pop into the olds for Sunday dinner and with it being a decent sort of the day, I figured that there were some stones that needed flipping and a T7 in need of a little run.

I decided to make my way out Pohangina Road and through to Apiti before turning back onto Ridge Road for a bit until I found a likely looking road across toward Feilding.

Pohangina Road was its normal magic self with just a bit of more freshly spread gravel towards the Northern end.  Ridge Road was more of the same, except there was the odd spit and with plenty of time on my hands, the opportunity for some pics.

Turning off onto Londons Ford Road (a little early), I was disappointed to be back on seal so soon and once I got home, disappointed to see that I rode right past Londons Ford and the reserve there.  When I saw a sign pointing towards Bartletts Ford I didn't make the same mistake and turned off to go sight-seeing somewhere I'd never been before.

There was quite a nice little reserve at Bartletts Ford and there were some guys packing up their fishing gear and another carload of campers just leaving when I got there.  They hadn't even met me yet...

Londons Ford Road spat me back out onto the Apiti Loop and after charging up the hill towards Kimbolton, I turned right instead of left to pick up some more gravel on Junction Road.  I even stopped to turn on the camera to capture me wobbling along on some pretty fresh gravel...

Junction Road led to McBeth Road and at the end of that I made a blue and went left instead of right.  Right would have got me onto some more gravel and allowed me to cross over to Beaconsfield before cruising into Feilding whereas my left turn got me back into Kimbolton and a sealed route to Cheltenham where it was past time for a cold coke and a piccy of the Fire Station for Advrider.

From Cheltenham, I avoided the long straight of Feilding by taking a roundabout route to the folks place.  I may have missed the odd turn, but it was still a nice way to get to Feilding...


  1. The T7 sounds nice. 😎

  2. It sounds like an interesting ride! Happy holidays!
