Tuesday, December 24, 2024

Playing with AI

Recently I've been fiddling with different (free) AI products - you will have noticed the different branding I've stuck on my pictures and videos.  

Initial AI-generated image

Editing to give me no background so it looks nice overplayed on other images/videos

All the products have their differences but the key is always in giving the right prompt which can be tricky.  As you can see from above, Tigger is not quite like the real Tigger (perhaps there's some copyright stuff built into the AI I used) and likewise the bike doesn't really resemble my Tiger.  But, I like it!

Anyway, after watching a tutorial on LinkedIn the other day, I got introduced to some other AI products (mostly free trial or limited number of jobs you can run) and decided to try a couple of AI's that can produce music - after all, I wasn't that happy with the Youtube stuff the other day.

So here we go.  Some snips of the same video but with new audio:

And of course, they can create lyrics and a vocal track...

And, you can do video...

And the coolest one I think:


  1. You got to much time on your hands.....

  2. Excellent cartoons - Happy Holidays! Feliz Navidad!
