Monday, February 10, 2025

Needed a pie

On Saturday a couple of Tigers turned up at my place for a coffee.  The coffee was ok but what I reckoned they really needed was to visit a bakery.  So another Tiger was fired up and off we went on a short excursion to Marton.

Not Marton, just the old truck near Colyton

On the way to Cheltenham and Vinegar Hill, I decided that sport mode needed to be deployed.  This turned out to be a great idea and I really like how the engine response is sharper and how the suspension behaves.  We weren't travelling at warp speed, but I really enjoyed just how nice it felt and how well it handles.  I think I'll keep it, might even go for a decent ride this weekend...

In Hunterville, two Tigers (the ones above) needed a drink and then we were on our way again, heading towards Fordell.  We got stuck behind a Mitzi for a while, but the driver was really good - they'd seen us behind them and were obviously looking for somewhere to pull over to let us past.  They eventually found a spot and we gave them a wave as we snuck past.

Eventually we hit Turakina Valley Road but as this was a road ride, we went left instead of right but soon hit some new seal just before the turn-off to Marton.

As this was a cruisy ride (and the guys had already put up with me stopping for photos a few times), we stopped just up the road to get a picture of an old woolshed - one that Colin and I had talked about getting a photo of one day.  Today was the day.

After diving into another unmarked section of new seal at about the speed limit, we turned onto what is probably the pick of the roads we rode - and that is saying something!  The secret road is Makuhou Road and I've probably raved about it before...We even got to ride it in the best direction!

Some beautiful windies took us up the hill past the Tutaenui Reservoir with the only some hot tar at the top of the hill being of any concern.  From there it was a quiet pootle into Marton where we stopped at a particularly well stocked bakery for lunch.

From there, Colin and Dayal vamoosed it homeward in one direction and I did the same thing in another direction.  Nice day for a ride and not a bad steak, cheese and bacon.