When I got the DL one of the great farkles already on it was a Scott Oiler for keeping the chain in good condition. On a bike like the DL I reckon an oiler is a necessity - it doesn't take much riding on a gravel road or in wet conditions for the poor old chain to get a bit dry and therefore be more prone to wear.
On purchase the reservoir had obviously been filled up and the oiler was doing it's job quite nicely. But when I looked at the reservoir placement (see picture) I wondered how the heck I was going to fill it.
Reservoir tucked well out of the way |
After trolling the web I happened upon what I thought looked like quite a neat Scott oiler accessory - a "Lube Tube". Not only does this give you more oil capacity for the oiler but I thought that it would mean an easier way to top up the reservoir. $80 later and I had one.
Lube Tube tucked in under the seat |
When I first fitted it I made the mistake of filling it up quite full prior to installation and shortly after hooking it up noticed oil leaking down the side of the reservoir and running down over the exhaust - damn! I checked everything and it looked like everything was all setup right so I started wondering what was wrong - was the reservoir itself cracked or damaged in some way?
Anyway I gave up on it for a while and removed it so I didn't have oil continually leaking everywhere. But earlier this weak I decided to give it a go but with very little oil in the lube tube. On hooking things up I squeezed some oil from the tube into the now empty reservoir and watched to see what happened. After a couple of days riding around there was no leaks but also no lube on the chain - I figured things were a bit blocked up or something - time for some closer inspection.
Yesterday I played around with the oiler, setting it to the flow rate to the prime position and running the bike on the stand. By the time I was due to leave for the CDMTC Toy Run I had got nowhere so turned the flow rate back down and gave the chain a squirt with some chain lube in a can.
But on arrival at Feilding I was pleasantly surprised! There was oil on the chain and even on the wheel - it was going but maybe with a bit too high a flow rate. I adjusted the flow rate again and then rode the roughly 85km of the Toy Tun and this is what the chain looks like now (the white stuff is the spray on chain wax).
It works! |
Where the oil meets the chain |
So now I enter the trial in error phase of setting the optimum flow rate. Apparently this can be a bit finicky so I guess I'll be doing a bit of experimenting. I think I'll leave it as is for any riding this week and the Coast to Coast charity ride ( I'm intending on investigating some gravel while on the Coast to Coast) and see what it looks like then.
And now to an important question: does the bike need a bath?