Monday, October 06, 2014

A little Korean

Today was a lovely stormy day so I thought it was a great idea to take the Connie to replace these:

Second hand PR2's...

Second hand PR2's...

And today's loaner was not the lovely little MT-09 from yesterday but this little white beastie:

Sym Wolf 250

Apparently its a 2013 Sym 250 Wolf - hard to tell with absolutely no identifying markings...

Sym Wolf 250

Its quite a pretty little V-twin and managed to get me to and from work in pouring rain and a howling gale (some people are missing roofs tonight).  Glad I didn't have to take the 250 out on the main roads...

Sym Wolf 250

As you can see from the above picture it is fitted with an aftermarket pipe and this made it sound pretty sweet for a 250.  The bar-end mirrors don't really do it for me.

Sym Wolf 250

Apparently its somewhere around 25hp and it was absolutely fine around town as long as the revs were kept around the 5,000 mark.  Everything else seemed to work ok although I didn't really like the front brake (there was a bit of shuddering) and the clutch could do with some adjusting.

Anyway, like I said before, quite a nice looking, fun little bike which would probably be great for a learner of for commuting on.  The Connie did feel slightly bigger when I got back on her...


  1. The connie would have felt like a bus after riding that little 250....

    1. Are you one of those rude people that think Connie's are fat?

      Cheeky blimmin' Aussies...

  2. I can't believe they have 250 cc twins over there. You don't see anything under 500cc that isn't a single over here.

    Connie felt a little like the hulk after huh?

    1. Until recently learners could only have a 250 over here. That's recently just changed to a power-to-weight formula (much more sensible).

      One thing the 250cc rule caused was a lot of "hot" 250's. Firstly two-strokers making anything up to around 65hp and then 4 cylinder 4 strokes making 45hp or so at stratospheric revs. Prices were always high too - not so much now...

  3. That looks like it'll make a great commuter, especially if you don't have too many fast stretches of road. Too bad they don't import more bikes like that. Was it comfortable?

    1. Hi Richard. Sorry your comment got lost somewhere...

      I only rode it for say 2 x 10 minute trips around town but nothing wrong with it's comfort. Good riding position - upright like most nakeds.

  4. Cute, light little bike. I have to agree about the bar end mirrors, not my cup of tea, I'd rather have big ugly mirrors that let me see well than little cool mirrors. I almost bought a Sym scooter a few years back.

    1. It took me a while to work out where to look for the mirrors...

      They were about a fifth the size of the Connie's too!
