Monday, June 17, 2024

A Magic Mousecapade

The weather was supposed to be a bit dodgy over the weekend, it being winter I 'spose, but after walkies on Sunday the sun was actually out and while it was a bit chilly, the rain appeared to be holding off.  Right, better get a skid in then...

A few weekends ago the Mighty WR had a bit of a birthday and I'd kinda been hanging out to find an excuse to give it some exercise.  A bit of rain during the week also promised nicely settled gravel and even perhaps the prospect of some mud!  A trip up the valley beckoned.

After getting some fuel, I made my way to the closest bit of gravel.  This involved following another loaded up Adv bike (no idea who he was but he wasn't fast enough to outrun the WR) out of Ashhust and then up Ulysses Road which has tragically had the top gravel section sealed recently.

At the top, he went left while I turned right onto the gravel section of Watershed Road.  And was it good?  Yes, it was!  There was actually very little gravel and in some places there was dirt showing through, occasionally this was deliciously slippery to keep me on my toes.

I was grinning almost straight away and starting to remember what a great little bike I was on.  It is so easy to ride and very forgiving as you can manhandle it all over the place, catch slides easily and in places where the big bikes are a handful or slow. the little bike is just easy.  The Motoz Desert H/T rubber is perfect on the bike too.

Eventually I dropped off the ridge and down into Pohangina do I could go up one side of the valley and then return down the other side.  It also meant I could take in one of my favourites:

Somewhere after I hit the short seal section I got a fairly decent scare when a pheasant flew across my bows.  It was that close that I got hit in the face (visor up) my small stones and dust that were coming out of its feathers - it must have been having a dust bath when I disturbed it.

Next up was the short bit of Makoura Road to take me across towards Apiti.  More good gravel with a quick photo stop at the bridge.

By now it was about 12pm and I was kinda keen to head back for some lunch, but naturally, I'd not had enough gravel so it was time for Ridge Road.

There was a bit more gravel on the road but it was still awesome fun on the little bike.  Cue video number two:

Following the Ridge, I eventually got back onto Finnis Road and reversed my earlier ride through to the Ulysses Road turn-off and then home for lunch.

A great little ride of somewhere just over 130km and a fantastic average speed of (including stops) of about 53km/h.  Go the little WR!

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