The mighty VTR was dropped in for a service this morning and the shop loaned me a little CBF250 to get to work and back on. Maybe I was expecting too much of a 250 single but man I was surprised. The poor wee thing really had to be given a handful to get moving! In saying that though it was a pretty willing little donk and didn't feel too harsh when revving - it was just like there was no torque anywhere. The last 250 single I rode was the mighty Volty and I'm sure that it felt better at low revs and didn't need to work as hard. And my old XR would toast it...
Anyway, it is only a 250 and the performance it offers is probably exactly what a learner rider needs - the only issue would be out-growing the bike before you got your full licence. Other than that it was a very nice bike and it definitely would be a cheap bike to run...
...and it got me to work and back as good as gold.
...and the VTR was a totally different kettle of fish altogether!
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